Tag: R

Rush n Attack


Best action game, original coin-up.You are the best USA marine, and your goal is to escape from military camp and save your friends.You have only a knife as weapon, but you may use some other weapons (a bazooka,a firelauncher…)that you’ll find after killing the ‘red’ enemy.






Round 42


Round 42 is a video game requiring a graphics adapter and 256K of memory. The game consists of forty-two rounds of battle against invading alien space ships. Move by pressing the arrow keys on the numeric keypad. Press a key to begin moving and release the key to stop. Press two keys in unison for diagonal movement. Also, use horizontal movement keys during regeneration when your ship’s hit.
To attack, use the F1 key to fire bullets. The F2 key fires a special weapon called the phasor. Your ship has a limited number of phasor charges. Each charge is represented by a lightening bolt next to your score near the top of the screen. Each ship begins with one charge. One charge is awarded at each 7500 points and at the beginning of each round.
Each round brings a new and different type of enemy. Try to discover their fighting logic. Use phasor charges sparingly. Every fourth round is a warp round. Move left and right to maneuver through the path. Extra ship is awarded every 7500 points. To pause the game use space bar. To abort game or exit to DOS, use the ESC key. To turn the sound off and on use the F9 and F10 keys. If the situation is hopeless, use back space to self-destruct.





Elven Software Company

Rome Pathway to Power


From the time when its legendary founders, Romulus and Remus – fresh from sucking wolf milk in the forests of Central Italy – began to build a city on the Palatine Hill, the story of Rome is one of almost constant expansion.
Initially, the tiny city-state of Rome suffered the attentions of neighboring kingdoms, the kings of which were constantly giving unwelcome advice of how to run things and generally trying to conquer everything in sight. Wisely, therefore, the Romans killed all the nearby kings and set themselves up as a republic.
At first, the society of the infant republic was divided into two classes: the patricians, who had most of the money, did none of the work, lived in the biggest houses and spoke the best Latin (these qualities naturally making them the best choice for running the government), and the plebians, who had no money and did all the work (so, naturally, they could have no say in government). After a century or so, this state of affairs being somewhat irritating to the plebians, they marched out of Rome and threatened to start their own city. The patricians, horrified at the thought of having to do their own cooking, let them back in and gave them the vote.
The next few centuries were ones of unrelenting expansion as the Romans began conquering all the neighboring states. Once admitted to the fold of Roman rule, the new citizens were equipped with full voting rights. Alas, as the republic grew, the tedius business.





Electronic Arts



ANSI game.You have to escape from different mazes and fight with evil monsters.Rescue captives, find golds, eat and drink potion, gain skillful points.This is one of the best RPG game maded in ANSI graphic.




