

‘The sun is breaking over the horizon. You have just awakened to find yourself lying on a beach, wet and exhausted, the surf gently lapping at your feet. You begin to remember last night’s ordeal — the dark clouds gathering, the torrential downpour, the whitecaps crashing against your boat until it came apart in the storm. You hadn’t been prepared for the weather to turn so suddenly, but then you’d heard that anything can happen in these islands.
Struggling to your feet, you get your bearings from the sun. Looking down, you notice large footprints in the damp sand around you. A creepy feeling steals over you. Who would just stand there looking at a castaway without trying to help? Wringing out your T-shirt and shorts, you quickly put such thoughts out of your head. You’ve got to find out where you are.
Sparkling white sand lines the shore of this cove which curves to the west for about a thousand feet. To the east, waves crash against a large pile of rocks. There is an opening in the palm trees to the north. As you gaze out to sea, three large fins break through the water about twenty-five feet from the shore.’






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